Collaborate: This is the most important application for you to learn. Collaborate is how you attend class. Learning Collaborate isn't just critical for your successful participation in Uvaro, it's critical for your career in tech sales. Collaborate provides modern enterprise video communications and online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform. It's used for teleconferencing, telecommuting, distance education, and social relations.
Slack: This is the second most important application for you to learn. You're invited to join a chat environment called Slack. This is where we'll communicate about everything Uvaro-related moving forward! Workplaces use Slack because it offers many instant chat-style features, including persistent chat rooms (channels) organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging.
Calendar Invitation: The email address you provided to us will be added to a calendar event. We use Google Calendar to schedule daily classes with a link to Zoom. Make it a habit to check your Calendar regularly to know the dates and time slots of your classes.
Blackboard: Blackboard Learn is our key learning platform for this course. On Blackboard you’ll find:
- All course content, both synchronous and asynchronous
- Your assignments and assessments
- Messaging functions that allow you to communicate directly with your instructor
- Links to your synchronous sessions