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  3. Huntr Job Tracker & Employer Matching

Managing Job Search Contacts in Huntr

With Huntr you can keep track of all the people you interact with during your job search. These could be contacts from your professional network, interviewers, or recruiters. You can track contacts specific to a job opportunity through the 'Contacts' tab in the job modal, or track general contacts through the 'Contacts' tab your board.


How to create a contact

Within a job opportunity

A contact can be linked to one or more jobs from your board. To create a contact linked to an opportunity:

  1. Click on the job card
  2. Switch to the Contacts tab
  3. Click Create Contact
  4. Enter the contact's information
  5. Click Save


General contact

If you have a professional contact that is not linked to an existing opportunity, you can also track them:

  1. Click on the Contacts tab in your board
  2. Click Create Contact
  3. Enter the contact details
  4. Click Save